What is Command Presence?

by Max J. Harnish
(Grand Rapids, MI)

Command Presence

Command Presence

In your leadership training, you were probably introduced to the management concept of Command Presence, but what is it?

Command Presence is essentially your ability to project your position as one of authority, in a professional sense, to others in your environment. How you are perceived by those around you defines your level of command presence.

The vast majority of time, command presence is expressed as a non-verbal communication to those around you and is determined at first glance or through your first interaction.

Your appearance, including your posture and personal presentation in how you walk, speak and the gestures you use all project your personal "Command Presence".

"Walking with INTEGRITY" is the essence of Command Presence.

Command presence is not a behavior that can be easily faked... nor is it the ability to bully or talk down to co-workers, stakeholders or customers.

Command Presence is ALWAYS a firm, yet positive and supportive, standard that is projected by you and clearly perceived by those around you.

While some may not like to hear your message, your command presence provides most people with the reasoning or rationale to abide by your requests, instructions or professional orders.

Developing the traits of a professional is a life-long learning responsibility for every leader. Each element of professionalism affords the good leader a higher self-image and greater degree of self confidence.

As you develop these important leadership traits you will build and project your command presence in an effective manner.

A side benefit to developing traits becoming of a professional is that your increased confidence will often lead you to positions of greater responsibility.

- MJH2011

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Thanks for Sharing!
by: Richard

Great story Birney, thanks for sharing.


What is "command presence?"
by: Birney Dibble

I first encountered the phrase when I asked my C. O. in Korea during the war there, "Why did you choose me out of a hundred medical officers to command the forward Navy/Marine tent hospital?" He answered, "You have the 'command presence' we are always looking for."

I asked him what he meant. He said he couldn't define it but he recognized it when he saw it! All I knew then was that I had it without knowing it and without doing anything to earn it! A God-given gift.

Command Presence
by: A V Horn

Command presence is also carried in the aura surrounding ie: an Admiral or General, and the look in their eyes. You can feel it in your bones and your heart.

Being a military veteran, I learned quickly what command presence is all about. Imagine being in a life and death situation daily and you will highly appreciate senior officers with command presence as it will keep the killing machine functioning at a high level which is absolutely necessary during wartime.

Nice Post on Command Presence!
by: Richard


This is an EXCELLENT post!

Thank you for sharing your insights on Leadership. Your post was very well written.

I encourage you to post additional entries in the future. It's lessons like this that make our site so valuable to aspiring leaders around the world.

Thanks again for sharing.

Best of success,


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