2017 New Year Resolutions? Find Inspiration To Plan Your Best Year Ever!
Isn't it true that when you are doing something you love, time flies, but when you're spending time on things you do not enjoy, time seems to drag along?
In this edition, we'll revisit the process of setting goals for the coming year so that you can spend more of your time in the areas that you are most passionate.
In addition, we are continuing our special 'Thank You for Subscribing' series by making Volume Four in our Leadership Series for Successful Living program available to all subscribers... keep reading for details.
Do you own a small business? If so, then you won't want to miss out on a terrific grant opportunity we discovered.
Are you ready to make this your Best Year Ever?
All right, let's get started... here's what we'll cover in this edition of The Leadership-Tools Newsletter...

Site News
- Reminder: Free Tools Password
- Join Us On Social
- Update On New Mobile-Ready Design
Leadership Tools & Resources
- Here's How To Make 2017 Your Best Year Ever
- Goal Setting for Success (Update in progress)
- Success Wheel: Plan For A Balanced Life
- Create Your 2017 Master Action Plan (M.A.P.)
- New Business Grant Opportunity
Apply before the deadline!
More THANK YOU Gifts
- Leadership Series for Successful Living
Download Volumes 1-4
- Ambition
- Character
- Hour of Opportunity
- and now available - Diligence: Do It To A Finish
- Persistence: An Iron Will - Coming
Reader Feedback- Your Comments/Questions/Suggestions

Free Tools Password Reminder
Don't forget the password to the Free Tools Download Page.
The current password is... SUCCESS (all uppercase)
(Due to security concerns, we may change the password on occasion. We announce password changes in this newsletter.)
Join Us on Social
We invite you to follow us on your favorite social platform.
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New Mobile-Ready Design
Update: Progress continues on the redesign of our website. We have completely updated all Book Reviews.
While updating our book reviews, we researched the authors to see what they've been up to and found some terrific new tools and resources. Some items were found on the author's website, YouTube Channel or other, and we've provided links for your convenience.
We have also completely overhauled the Share Your Stories section of our site. We invite you to share your leadership tips and expertise for the benefit of other readers. Join in to "Help and Be Helped."
Now we are focusing on updating the Leadership Tools section. Our goal is make each page,
and every free tool, even better.
We'll continue to update you on our progress in future newsletters. If you haven't heard about the new design, check out how our site is evolving.

2017 - Best. Year. Ever.
As we approach the New Year, it's time for goal setting.
We're not talking about setting flimsy New Year resolutions, we're talking about establishing real goals, for 2017 and beyond.
To assist you, we'd like to review three very helpful goal setting tools.
First, check out our free series of articles at Goal Setting for Success.
We first published this collective series of articles as a free ebook back in 2006. The ebook is still available in the Free Tools section, but we are currently updating the online pages before we update the ebook.
We suggest reading the Goal Setting for Success series of webpages since half the pages were recently updated. We'll make an announcement once the ebook is ready to be republished.
Reading the articles is helpful as they teach many important lessons that promote a mindset that inspires you to tackle your goals.
One of the tools introduced in Goal Setting for Success, is our Life Balance tool.
Many people avoid
setting goals because the process feels intimidating and causes stress. Writing down goals can be scary if you aren't convinced you can achieve them.
The problem most people have is they feel like they've got to go all in, giving 100% in every area of their life.
Doing it all at 100%, is simply not realistic.
Our Life Balance tool helps you to identify the important areas of your life and determine which categories you're doing well in compared to areas that need more of your attention.
The goal here is to create a more well-rounded life experience, as illustrated by a success wheel that will provide a smoother ride along life's bumpy highway.
Are we promising perfection? No, but we do predict improvement. :)
After determining the key areas of your life and identifying goals in each area, you'll need to prioritize your
goals and then break each goal down into realistic tasks.
Sounds like a chore, but our Master Action Plan (M.A.P.) tool provides a simple one page template that helps you to achieve a solid plan for each of your important goals.
What's special about the M.A.P. tool is that it ties your tasks back to your original purpose.
Your purpose is your motivation for achieving each goal, so it's important to take time to clearly identify the 'Why' behind your goals.
We encourage you to review and adopt each of these three goal setting tools as we're wishing you Your Best Year Ever in 2017!
New Business Grant Opportunity
If you've ever read our article on small business grants, you know that real grant opportunities for small businesses are very hard to find.
That's why we were excited to learn about Lending Tree's $50,000 Small Business Grant Contest.
This contest is only for businesses located in the United States. Both online and traditional small businesses are eligible. See all grant rules.
Simply fill out the grant application and explain what your business is all about; how you would use the prize money and why you believe your business deserves the grant.
We all know you're guaranteed to miss 100% of the shots you don't take. You can't win if you don't apply - so if you think you've got a good story to tell, give it a shot.
Entry deadline is January 15 2017.
Note: Leadership-Tools.com is not in any way affiliated with Lending Tree. This is just a courtesy notification to our subscribers.

Continuing our free giveaway as a special Thank You to our subscribers, Volume Four: Diligence - Do It To A Finish of The Leadership Series for Successful Living, is now available.
We hope you are enjoying previous offerings: Volume One: Ambition, Volume Two: Character and Volume Three: Hour of Opportunity.
To access all four volumes use the password: thankyougifts at the following link:
ACCESS VOLUMES 1,2 3 and 4
We will add Volume 5 in our next edition of this newsletter.

As always, we appreciate so much the feedback we receive from subscribers. Here's a few of your latest comments:
"Excellent! A complete ONE-STOP-SHOP for all Leadership materials and stands second to none when it comes to content and presentation quality." Nirmal Prabhu
Bangalore, India "Working for the military, we have a severely limited budget for training and most resources have to be free. Thank you ever so much for be a reliable resource!" Donna Rigney
Chesapeake, VirginiaA
Editor's Note: And we THANK YOU for your service Donna, all the best.
"Excellent, I just subscribed to the site and I already have access to the tools. Amazing!" Glenita Spicer
Indianapolis, Indiana
Let us know what you think. What do you want to see more
of, less of? What are the tools you need that we are missing?
Please share your comments.
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For more information, free tools, quotes, articles, tips, book reviews and other high-quality resources, check out our entire web site at: Leadership-Tools.com
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