Stick To It When It Comes To Goal Setting

Chapter 14: Stick-To-It-Tive-Ness

Here you'll learn how to stick to it;, remain focused and be persistent in the process of reaching for your goals. Self discipline and holding yourself personally accountable is key to making continued progress toward your goals and objectives.  

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As you continue the process of planning your goals (and therefore planning your life), decide now that you will never give up on your personal and professional goals - no matter how hard at times the struggle may be.

As we've discussed throughout Goal Setting For Success, having an aspiration to do great things is only half the battle. You must also have a systematic process and the personal fortitude to ensure that your goals are reached.

Too many people start their goal planning much like they do when they make their New Year's resolutions. They are very energized at first and they make good progress in the early stages of their journey, but later on their focus is shifted and they lose their momentum. 

Don't let this happen to you, your goals are too important!  

You can avoid this obstacle in large part simply by being aware of the danger in the first place.  As time goes on and you become distracted or inundated with "other pressing matters", you must defend yourself from shifting focus away from your goals.

"No substitute has ever been discovered for tenacity of PURPOSE."

Sometimes you might find that your enthusiasm for a particular goal begins to wane. and this causes you to question the importance of achieving the goal.  If this happens, go back to your Master Action Plan (M.A.P.) and remind yourself of all the reasons why you set the goal in the first plan.

If you establish goals based on your purpose, passion and dreams, then you know that achieving these goals are what will provide joy and fulfillment in your life, so... Stick To It, Never Give Up on your goals. 

Top 5 "Stick To It" Tips

Too many lives are filled with half-finished tasks that started with a good deal of energy and enthusiasm, only to be dropped due to a lack of staying power - a lack of stick-to-it-tive-ness.

Use these Top 5 tips for Stick-To-It-Tive-Ness in goal setting:

  1. Know What You Are Signing Up For - The goal setting process is an ongoing and never-ending process - it is NOT a single event.
  2. Revisit Goals Regularly - Your personal goal planner should be within reach at all times. Whereever you are, get used to taking your goal planner with you. Every month you should take time to review your list your accomplishments. Review all the actions you've taken throughout the month that will support your future progress. This will strengthen your stick-to-it-tive-ness and help to keep you motivated and enthused about the tasks at hand. At least yearly, update and establish new goals for the coming year.
  3. Anticipate Problems - Know from the very start that challenges and barriers will occur and need to be overcome throughout your journey. The more you can anticipate potential issues before they happen, the less impact they will have when they do arise and the more quickly you'll be able to address the challenge successfully. Through effective anticipation of obstacles or barriers, you'll quickly develop a mindset that nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.
  4. Analyze & Update - Stay in touch with your rate of progress. Regularly analyze what you've accomplished within the defined time period. Determine whether the current rate of success is acceptable or whether you need to step it up in order to get to where you want to be within a reasonable timeline. Respond to your analysis with more immediate action, and stick to it. Adjust your actions so that your results will be in line with your expectations for success.
  5. Celebrate Successes - Take time along the way to celebrate your success. No matter how large or small, every step forward is a win. Understand that every step in the process is important. If not for each step, you would not progress forward to eventually achieve the larger goal.

Leverage the above five suggestions, using the tools we provide in Goal Setting for Success in order to ensure you maintain the momentum you've worked so hard to acquire. 

"The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win."

- Roger Bannister

Success Lesson #28: Clear Grit for Success

Nothing can take the place of clear grit. An education cannot, a rich parent cannot, not even the most effective goal setting tool cannot - nor can any other possible advantage.

Persistence of purpose is characteristic of all men and women who have accomplished great things.

"Grit is the master key which unlocks all difficulties. What has it not accomplished?"

- Orison S. Marden

The whole history of achievement shows us that grit and determination has overcome the worst poverty, the most dire of circumstances, and it has been more than a match for life's most destructive forces.

When you come upon a person who is resolute in that, come what may, he is going to do the thing he has set his heart upon, and that there are no "ifs" or "buts" about it, you may be sure he is made of the winning material, the right stuff!

"Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." - Warren Buffett

If there is one thing a person should never hesitate to fight for, it is the freedom to pursue his or her passion, the great ideal, the one true purpose in life.

The thing that will make every person's life distinctive, which will make it a supreme accomplishment, is to spend it doing that which God intended. No matter how difficult your present condition is, you should never give up hope or your determination to pursue that one ideal goal.

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