Sample Appreciation Letter

Appreciation Letter

Using our sample appreciation letter to demonstrate how much you value and appreciate the people around you only takes a couple minutes, but the benefits are huge. So, why wouldn't you invest the time to do this on a regular basis?

Without a doubt, writing a letter of appreciation to a customer, peer or employee is one of the most thoughtful and kind acts you can take as a leader.  

sample appreciation letter

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Use our appreciation letter template to let your employees know how much you value their efforts; let clients understand that you truly appreciate their business; or communicate to a peer or business partner how much you value their efforts.

Adding that personalized touch by writing the letter by hand may be considered by some as "old fashioned", but it's still time well spent as this act definitely demonstrates an authentic, heart felt and meaningful message.

There are multiple reasons why a letter highlighting the value of an employee is so important. Leaders who reward and recognize team members for their contributions create a strong connection with their employees that promotes respect, loyalty and supports higher retention levels. 

In addition, the practice of regularly recognizing top performers and key contributors sends a clear message to your entire team. As you recognize people, everyone on the team will quickly pick up on what activities and behaviors you expect and value. 

"Demonstrate your appreciation for employees and customers, as a true leader works for them."

Obviously, the more you praise and reward your team members the more they will be encouraged and motivated to reach even greater accomplishments in the future.

Everyone, including you, likes being recognized for their hard work and related results. As the leader, it's your responsibility to call out winning performance and behavior. The company incentive plan is one important way to encourage desired performance. However, you can maximize the reward for your top performers by letting them know that you're aware of their contributions. 

Take the time right now to say thank you to an employee for their ongoing efforts and valuable contributions. It will make their day - and yours too. 

"Appreciation is a wonderful thing:
It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well."

- Voltaire

Appreciation Letter Tips

Here are some quick tips to ensure success with your appreciation letter.

  • State Purpose: Explain clearly what actions have prompted you to write the letter to express your gratitude.
  • Hand Write: Whenever possible take the time to hand write your letter of appreciation. This goes a long way to avoid the misconception that you have simply used a form letter. A hand-written note is always perceived as more warm, caring and friendly. Be sure to use some sort of business letterhead or logo'd stationary to ensure professionalism.  
  • Be Clear and Concise: Don't go overboard with emotionally charged words or dramatic language - keep it short and simple, yet warm and meaningful.
  • Be Prompt: Write the letter shortly after the event that inspired you to recognize the person. The more time that goes by after the valued performance or behavior, the less effective the letter will be.
  • Be Specific: Address your appreciation letter to a specific person, not just to an organization. Make reference to the specific things that you were impressed with or observed. Tell the person precisely what actions or behaviors you hope to see again.

Use our sample appreciation letter to ensure a well-written, heart-felt letter. This tool provides messaging clues and reminders that will help you to create a strong relationship with your most valued associates and ensure a healthier and more successful work environment. 

Sample Appreciation Letter Template

Show below is an image of our sample appreciation letter. Use this tool to reward and recognize people who have made a key contribution and adds value to the team.

appreciation letter template

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